Practicar simulacros de entrevistas
Los jóvenes se preparan para el mercado laboral practicando sus técnicas de entrevista.
Reconnecting with the community
Youth for Community Engagement celebrates 50 years of community service.
Bringing Youth Voices Together
San Francisco’s youth gathered together to talk about issues important to all of us at the 15th Annual API Youth Summit.
Los defensores de los jóvenes de Bayview recaudan dinero
Bayview Youth Advocates organizó un lavado de coches para recaudar fondos para su programa.
Seniors Learn Technology in the Richmond
Staff members Derek Tan and Carolyn Chen share their experiences with the CYC seniors tablet class.
Mural de la Unidad Juvenil de Bayview
Por Stephany Welch Coordinadora del Programa, Bayview Youth Advocates Honrar la historia y la resistencia de los afroamericanos y los asiáticoamericanos es el propósito del "Mural de la Unidad Juvenil", situado en el 5012 de la calle 3ª. Como [...]
Coalition for Community, Safety and Justice speaks out against Atlanta attacks
The Community Coalition for Safety and Justice (Community Youth Center, Chinese for Affirmative Action, Chinese Progressive Association, New Breath Foundation) stands with our API community in grief, anger, and sorrow […]
Welcome to our community learning hub in Chinatown
Week #1 of opening up the community learning hub to students in Chinatown is in the books.
Big thank you to all our middle school campers
Big thank you to all our middle school campers for spending your summer with us. Your cards keep us inspired and motivated! #cycsf #summercamp #middleschool #inspired #motivated #thankyou
2020 Elementary Summer Camp
Summer camp is done! Thanks to all the elementary kids who spent the summer with us “Around the World.” We loved traveling with you and hope you enjoy your gift […]